Man n Woman

Achievement is the quality of a man

Acceptance is the quality of woman

Both qualities are required for a person to be successful in these modern days.

In traditional days only man used to achieve things in the external world i.e., do some work/job and achieve money and respectful life for the family. That’s why he is regarded as the family head. But it also is the acceptance (Love) that is been provided consistently by his wife that helped him.

Men not being aware of this were exploiting women’s love and foolishly trying to bring as many wives as possible for him while ignoring the love of the existing wives!!  Certain kings used to remain as role models in this aspect of social beliefs.

As society started becoming aware of the downfall because of this foolishness, it encouraged women also to be achievers but not just acceptors.

The result is as what we can see that women are running corporate business houses and political parties and what not in par with men.

Strength comes from mental capacity but not from physical capacity.

Every human being has got only one brain and hence nobody is superior to anyone else; it only takes their realization of potential with their building up of awareness. 
Giving enough exercise in any form to both body and mind while keeping positive emotions ‘Hope’ n 'Happiness' will obviously help in realizing our potential.

As how nature designed, woman has got the divine power to give birth to another human being – to possess this responsibility she undergoes severe agony every month at monthly periods time for days together. To bring us to this planet mother physically and mentally bears us for months together in her belly.

Particularly at delivery time she bears the pain which is much higher than any normal individual can bear. That’s why it’s regarded as the second life for a mother while giving birth to her child – means that it’s a threat to her very own existence.

It’s actually next to impossible for a man to understand this. Because traditionally man always ignores woman’s work.

It took my curiosity to find out with my mom (and other exploration) as how the situation was, when I was born to understand this; and how the husband’s behavior affects the delivery and future of the child. The magnitude of the affect is immeasurable I can say. It’s irreparable.

So, one should be responsible while bringing another human being on to this earth.

Can we escape from Indian Extremists and Pakistani extremists ? Who’s the reason for that ? Are they not misguided Human Beings ?  
God of which religion is to be blamed ? Follower of which religion is to be blamed ? I don't know. 

To get a seat in an educational institution qualification and eligibility are required for a person.

To get a job lot of qualifications are verified. Similarly for everything eligibility check is there.

But for a person to become a mother or father no eligibility check is there. 

I feel very pathetic to see the fate of many children. Many parents can’t give enough food, clothing, shelter or proper education. It’s no wonder those children become harmful in the society, because nobody gives them proper education to become a responsible individual.   

When the people in this country are so irresponsible how can any government do equal justice to citizens ?

Very rarely children get father like Dheerubhai Ambani who make them Achievers, but not just acceptors.