Instead of making students as visitors to Labs, let’s make them residents of labs;
so that they get more time to learn machines language (enabling them to make machines act as per our wish).
Only then they can improve their creative thoughts in finding solutions for human beings problems (project).
This ultimately helps them in becoming a useful person in the society (by becoming a professional).
We have to be aware as what activity will result in Learning and what could result in Burning.
è Learning brings enjoyment
LIFE = Learn.Indulge.Focus.Enjoy
è Burning brings frustration.
What is that we want?
An Engineer must be capable of 2 things
1. To make machines work by learning their language
2. To make human beings work by learning soft skills (speaking gentle and kind words) And presenting whatever information he/she has to team members.
1st skill can be developed by becoming residents of labs.
2nd skill can be developed by giving seminars.
One can learn a concept in 10 min, another might need 1 hr.
One can learn a concept in 1 reading, another might need 3,4 times reading.
The first priority is learning, understanding and enjoying the beautiful concepts ( Life is beautiful). After understanding, doing revision at regular intervals of times enables the knowledge to be preserved in brain (hard disk!).
Time constraint is second priority.
Doing things correct is most important that doing things faster.
Travelling safely is most important than travelling faster.
We are not in a hurry to save the world. First we should save our own lives before we can save others. All hurry will bury us.
Before we can be a useful person to others (professional life), we should be a useful person to ourselves (personal life). Both are interdependent.
Any knowledge or in fact anything on this planet is for life saving only.
The rate at which population is growing is much higher than the rate at which knowledge is shared or gained- the reason for all miseries.
Producing is important, but preserving the existing children is more important.
Instead of emphasizing more on writing and rewriting theory concepts let the students experiment more in laboratories.
Let the minds be ignited, let the practical experiments excite them than anything else, motivating them to crave for more….
Instead of worshiping movie stars and sports stars let them worship their own work.