Monday, February 13, 2012


/* Human beings, technology; implications  */

/* If a human being gives his head to either his parents or teachers sayings then he can definitely become a useful human being in this society by becoming a professional.
    Else, because of misguidance in the external world, there are chances of him becoming antisocial element because of possible misuse of technology

    Before giving or teaching how to use knife, we should teach how to use his heart - for that elders should give their heart to their children  - what elders can’t do how can children do ?  */

#include <humanbeing.head>  /* every program needs to include header files  */

Meaningful_life main ()
      Humanbeing xyz;
      Printf(“enter name of the person: “);
      Scanf(“%hb”, &xyz);

           Switch (xyz)
                   Case parents_child       :          /* in parents case xyz is the child       */
                   Case teacher_student   :         /* in teachers case xyz is the student */
                           Useful social human being or professional;
                    Default_Misguidance   :
                            Anti social behavior or anti social technological learning;
      return (xyz); 

/* One can listen to the parents or teachers by giving their mind, but one should always listen to their own heart, and use their own minds to have a rocking life. */