Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Producer-Consumer Problem

If the consumer won't consume what is been produced by the Producer where from enthusiasm comes to the producer to produce further.

If you think what the producer is producing is not worthy then why don’t ask for better produce. Else why don't you help the producer to produce better things for you?

If you doesn’t like the food that is been produced by your mom why don’t u take active participation in producing better food for the family. It’s because you didn't realize that we belong to each other, in togetherness. You have the desire to become an alien, an alien to human race! How bizarre!!?

We are blessed with Democracy. 

This is analogous to teacher - student association.

I possess/intend to possess something out of insecurity only.
I possess this body, i possess money, things, people only out of insecurity.

First and the best thing that i need to possess is the spirit - the spirit to produce better things, better relationships, better environments. 

If educational institutions produce better human beings who obviously can become better professionals then this country and world can be a much better place to live.

Money is only one form of wealth.
Optimism/spirituality/'health of mind' is the best form of wealth.
Knowledge is wealth which nobody can steal.
Health of Body is second best form of wealth.
Healthy relationships is even better form of wealth.

So 'Wealth Management' as some company claims is a misnomer - the wealth they are speaking is not actually a wealth. Just money is an insecurity.